About us……

We are a close knit group of friends with multiple spiritual paths, it is new for some, though not for others. Collectively we have over 20 years of experience. All of us decided to embark on the journey of owning a shop catering to the needs of the spirit and the individual in the growing community of Marion, Ohio, early this year. Some of us have had this dream far longer than others but we began collaborating at the end of 2021, combining our unique ideas.

We aim to provide a safe haven for any and all that want to facilitate learning and enhance their quality of life by exploring aspects of spirituality. We welcome all paths and faiths. We hope to be a source of encouragement to individuals and the community to integrate spirituality into your everyday life.

We take pride in the products we offer and our goal is to provide a variety of authentic and high quality spiritual resources and tools including crystals, divination, cleansing, books, and sacred spaces.

Get to know some of the team….