Reenergize Your Home This Spring
Spring is the perfect time to air out, clean, and reset the vibe in your home. Spring is the time of year that nature wakes up from its winter rest. Every year we look forward to the warmer temperatures even if they come with rain, some of us even love the rain. Trees begin budding and daffodils begin to grace us with their golden flowers. Spring has been associated with cleansing for thousands of years, humans huddled in during winter and as the Earth tilts neither toward or away from the sun they ventured out more and not different from today I imagine there was a natural desire to rid the house of the dust, stale air, and clutter that tends to come with the more sedentary months of the year. Granted here in Ohio, that is roughly half the year or at least it feels that way.
Here are a few ways to reboot the energy of your home:
Spring is associated with the element of air and this is a great time to welcome into the home.
Top to bottom dust and declutter
Grab our favorite tool here the besom aka broom and sweep the negative energy away
Smudge your home to clear any remaining less than pleasant vibes. Smudging can be done with many herbs, some of the more popular choices are sage, sweetgrass, cedar, frankincense, myrrh, palo santo, rosemary. If you prefer you can also use incense, or smudge sprays for the same effect. You can play your favorite music and dance around the house or even clap your hands while stating your intention to clear out the negative energy will do the trick.
Bring some of the outside in
Cut some flowers, bring in some potted plants, or pamper the plants you already have. Plants are powerful, they cleanse the air and can help manifest your intentions.
Many crystals have positive correlations that can benefit your home. Let’s take a look at a few.
Clear Quartz: this stone can balance and harmonize the energy in the home
Amethyst: has an overall calming effect and can help keep the peace
Fluorite: can help you focus and clear away negative energy
Onyx: will absorb negative energies in the home
Smoky Quartz: Neutralizes negative energy and helps keep you grounded
We have incorporated air and earth and now its fire’s turn.
Have candles of your favorite scents, whether you prefer energizing or calming or to have both depending on your mood.
Infused water
You can make room sprays by combining filtered water , witch hazel, and essential oils of your choice. Moon water can be used but it should be filtered.
A simmer pot can be made by adding herbs such as rosemary, mint, and/or cinnamon with sliced fruits such as lemons, oranges, and/or apples to water in a pot, bring to a boil and then place it on low. Add water when it gets low.