The Fool’s Journey
The Fool begins with a wide-eyed sense of wonder, being too naïve to know that there are things to be scared of and possessing enthusiasm more than anything else. As soon as the Fool begins his journey he meets the Magician and the High Priestess. The Magician teaches the Fool to be aware of the world around them and to recognize the power they can exert when they see the resources in front of them and the High Priestess shows the Fool how to use their intuition and tap into their subconscious as they navigate this journey. The Fool travels and grows and meets the Empress who connects them with the universal mother and introduces them to concepts like abundance and fertility. Next to the Empress is the Emperor who encourages the Fool to know abundance but to not get carried away, he shows them rules, structure, and self-discipline; how to stay safe and be stable as they journey.
Once they keep traveling, they get further along their growth journey and meet the Hierophant where formal education begins and they begin to integrate new concepts like tradition and they learn to enjoy feeling a part of something larger than themselves. They are like a teen now and begin to get lonely and find the Lovers. The Lovers shows them how to balance their internal dual nature of light and dark, masculine and feminine and how to cooperate and exist with another person. Learning how to work as part of a pair has helped them learn willpower and discipline and an internal control which allow them to enact changes in their life, and so they meet the Chariot. Life goes on for the Fool and with the skills they have so far they encounter challenges and triumphs and develop inner fortitude, so Strength makes an appearance in the journey.
They are charging into adulthood and meet the Hermit who guides the Fool in how seek solitude within in order to reflect, learn, and understand how the pieces of the world fit together. As the Fool emergences from solitude the Wheel of Fortune appears to confirm what the Fool now already knows, we are all subject to fate and what is supposed to happen will happen. The fool knows this is in accordance with the will of the Universe as it seeks balance, and Justice appears to confirm this that every action will have a reaction and we must all take responsibility for the effects of our actions and the Fool learns integrity. The Hanged Man appears just in time to show the Fool how to take a moment and surrender to this new point of view. There is a challenge that seems like they cannot conquer it and through tools the Fool learns from the Hanged Man, they are able to let go and see things without the fog of emotions like anger or pride, the Fool learns humility.
It is time for another spiritual growth spurt and the Fool begins to shed habits and perspectives that no longer serve them, and with all of these endings come new beginnings and Death appears to help guide the Fool through the transition. Now that the Fool has shed their ego they have made room for opportunities that are more aligned with their more enlightened outlook. Temperance appears on the journey to show them patience and balance. Temperance teaches that it is ok to take the time to evaluate before leaping ahead. It is ok to press pause and catch your breath. The Fool takes this to heart and tries to push ahead but it’s like they are stuck in quicksand and being dragged back, the Devil appears to remind the Fool that there are things that do not serve them that they were too scared to shed, things they may have kept out of convenience or fear. The Tower comes along to turn the world on its head and take the reigns of control from the Fool for their own good and bring sudden change. The Tower shattered the protective fortress of Ego the Fool had left around themselves and now the Star steps forward to show the Fool how to embrace hope, renewal, and inspires the Fool to have the strength to be their authentic self. The Moon now comes along and helps the Fool take an honest self-reflection, and look at fears and anxieties that may surface from their subconscious.
Now the Fool has worked through his subconscious fears, worries, and resentments and can welcome the pure joy of the Sun on his journey. The Fool’s purpose is clear to them and they can sit with themselves choose what is important to them and what they would like to carry into the future. Judgement appears to help the Fool with their reckoning. This reckoning is the last step before the journey comes to an end and once it is done the World appears. The Fool has integrated all the pieces of themselves and reached levels of fulfillment that they could not imagine when this journey began. This journey is done and now they can be the Fool again on another journey because our growth cycle never stops, it may pause but the Universe will keep pushing us along.