Rupert's Tales: the Wheel of the Year; Samhain, Yule, Imbolc & Ostara


Come along with Rupert the rabbit as he again travels through the wheel of the year. In this second book of adventures, he learns about tolerance, respect, and acceptance, and discovers how people celebrate seasonal holidays in the forest where he lives. The tales (one for each season; Samhain, yule, Imbolc, and Ostara) set the stage for our furry friend to understand the importance of the seasons and that remembering love and laughter is always wise. He learns about decorations, songs, symbols, and how important the sun and its warmth really are. Join Rupert as he meets a new fairy friend and lots of girls and boys. Find out how someone very special steals Rupert's heart! Perfect for teaching sacred pagan practices and beliefs to young children being raised within varied traditions. Rupert's tales are stories for all children, everywhere!

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Come along with Rupert the rabbit as he again travels through the wheel of the year. In this second book of adventures, he learns about tolerance, respect, and acceptance, and discovers how people celebrate seasonal holidays in the forest where he lives. The tales (one for each season; Samhain, yule, Imbolc, and Ostara) set the stage for our furry friend to understand the importance of the seasons and that remembering love and laughter is always wise. He learns about decorations, songs, symbols, and how important the sun and its warmth really are. Join Rupert as he meets a new fairy friend and lots of girls and boys. Find out how someone very special steals Rupert's heart! Perfect for teaching sacred pagan practices and beliefs to young children being raised within varied traditions. Rupert's tales are stories for all children, everywhere!

Come along with Rupert the rabbit as he again travels through the wheel of the year. In this second book of adventures, he learns about tolerance, respect, and acceptance, and discovers how people celebrate seasonal holidays in the forest where he lives. The tales (one for each season; Samhain, yule, Imbolc, and Ostara) set the stage for our furry friend to understand the importance of the seasons and that remembering love and laughter is always wise. He learns about decorations, songs, symbols, and how important the sun and its warmth really are. Join Rupert as he meets a new fairy friend and lots of girls and boys. Find out how someone very special steals Rupert's heart! Perfect for teaching sacred pagan practices and beliefs to young children being raised within varied traditions. Rupert's tales are stories for all children, everywhere!

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